About Us

That best describes Dennis and Kevin Sullivan, the owners of Sullivan Industries, Inc. They have always looked for a way to make anything work “better”. We say their middle name should be “modify’. Both will often take any new item apart and “make it better”. Being able to “see” how things work has given them an insight into all things mechanical. They are experts at designing and can see even complicated machinery working in their heads. That gift is how we ended up as a broadhead manufacturer.
Dennis began in archery when he was about 12 years old and Kevin began even younger. The love of archery and hunting is definitely “in their blood”. In the early 80’s, the Sullivan family opened a sporting good store in the North Georgia Mountains, where hunting and fishing was a way of life. In 1986, we met and became friends with a gentleman by the name of Richard D. Frye. Mr. Frye had built a very successful manufacturing business, so knew the ins and outs on how to produce different items.

Knowing of a company that needed help producing broadhead bodies, he asked us if we thought we could build a machine to accurately produce their parts. Taking knowledge they learned from Mr. Frye, Dennis and Kevin then designed and built their first automated machine in our basement. That led to more and more machines for ferrules, tips and other products. We contracted work for other broadhead companies and screw machine houses. We even built custom machines for other companies to use in their facilities. In 1993, we built our current plant. In 1996, Kevin had an idea for a front loading broadhead. Then with further development, he and Dennis came up with the original Innerloc. Years of working with broadheads gave us an insight on what areas needed improvements to make a better broadhead. After never dreaming of having our own broadhead company, suddenly we were producing Innerloc. Contract work for other companies is also still being done. We have now outgrown our facility again and have plans on the board for enlargement. It’s funny how the meeting of someone special, can alter the path of your life. And that’s what Mr. Frye did for us, without meeting him we would have never made it to where we are today.
The love of archery and mechanical minds that are always trying to make things work better, led to Innerloc. Now all of the products that we put on the market are, quality built from the finest materials, have industry leading innovation and solve real problems for the bow hunter. We are proud to produce archery products that archers can trust.